Romantic Soft Piano "I Miss You So "
Emotional and dramatic cinematic piano theme with sad melancholic and nostalgic mood. Great for tv series, figure scating, 情感和感伤视频, trailers, sad background, drama, sad...

快乐的摇摆-音轨 by Abydos_Music

“快乐秋千”是一种快乐, uplifting and cheerful music track featuring an electric piano, bass, 吉普赛吉他和带刷子的爵士鼓.充满弹性,活泼的感觉和快乐的曲调创造了一个...

上下摇摆-音轨 by PineGroove

Grooving electro swing music track, mixing retro jazz with house dance. A modern dance-floor sound capable of retaining the energetic excitement of live brass (trumpet, 长号和单簧管)和...
A dynamic, swinging, smooth and sexy jazz track with a cool groove for your creative media projects. Featuring a bright brass section, saxophone, upright bass, rhythmic piano, melodic vibes, and...
一个流畅和快乐的爵士巴萨诺瓦与慵懒的休闲氛围. 一个理想的轨道适合商业广告, 文雅的或感性的广告, fashion, 公寓/顶楼广告, films, YouTube...
Cocktails, luxury and sophistication are what come to mind when you listen to this Jazz Bossa Nova with Latin Lounge flavours. Great for romantic films, bars, restaurants, cafes, penthouses, silent...
快节奏的拉丁爵士乐,带有紧迫感和幽默感! 特点是一个强大的黄铜部分, lyrical saxophone, melodic vibes, jazzy piano, bouncy bass line, 打击手鼓和快速摇摆鼓.

休闲班-音轨 by PineGroove

轻松聆听休闲爵士器乐轨道, 轻松流畅的氛围, 用电梯音乐的风格. 优雅,精致的气氛为这个鸡尾酒音乐轨道. 颤音琴,钢琴,铜管乐器,...
令人兴奋和快乐的爵士音乐曲目,铜管乐队, rhodes, guitars, 不同种类的打击乐器, 欢快的贝斯和鼓. 完美的广告,电影,电视节目,YouTube...

特殊时刻-音轨 by ComposerSquad

积极和和平的民谣特色原声吉他, fretless bass, whistling, Rhodes piano, 原声钢琴和软爵士鼓. An inspiring piece of music to accompany the special moments in...
Quirky, vibrant electro swing music with a playful, retro festive mood. 声学乐器(钢琴), guitars, trombone and clarinet) evoke gipsy and jazzy atmospheres on a rough dance beat.